

Been a long time since I've been rock climbing, and especially since I've been at work so much recently, it's been tough. But, we finally went again this last weekend, and I conquered my first black! WOO HOO! The difficulties at this gym are Green (5.6-5.8), Blue (5.9-5.10) and Black (5.11-5.13). The main reason I got up it was because it was a multi-wall climb, where you had to use the other walls as leverage to move, which is something I'm pretty good at. This description of the rankings (the Yosemite Decimal System) is the funniest (and most accurate I've seen so far).

5.0 to 5.4
There are two hand- and two footholds for every move; the holds become progressively smaller as the number increases.
5.5 to 5.6
The two hand- and two footholds are there, obvious to the experienced, but not necessarily so to the beginner.
The move is missing one hand- or foothold.
The move is missing two holds of the four, or missing only one but is very strenuous.
The move has only one reasonable hold which may be for either a foot or a hand.
No hand- or footholds. The choices are to pretend a hold is there, pray a lot, or go home.
After thorough inspection you conclude this move is obviously impossible; however, occasionally someone actually accomplishes it. Since there is nothing for a handhold, grab it with both hands.
The surface is as smooth as glass and vertical. No one has really ever made this move, although a few claim they have.
This is identical to 5.12 except it is located under overhanging rock.

Anyways - that's totally awesome, because I didn't have any idea when I would ever get up a black. So yay!

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