
Tablet ver. 1.0a

Alright, so as many of you probably know, I finally bought myself a tablet to try to restimulate my muse, who has not had an outlet for some time. I started a picture when I got it and have been putting some time in here and there, it was still fairly rushed (I was trying not to agonize over all the details) and I'm only somewhat satisfied with it (some parts specifically), especially since it's far from the level I was at during high school, but that's to be expected... I have already started on my next experiment, but the first piece is here. I wanted to experiment with Painter and decided to only use flat oil brushes, as well as only using pure black and pure white, to try and focus on technique instead of tools. Anyhow - here's what I got:

My first piece - black and white oil paint in Painter.
And a small experiment, adding some quick color to it

The color thing was just a quick experiment, FAR from perfect painting, but pretty to look at ^_^
Anyhow, that's what I've got, I would absolutely LOVE to have ANY comments that anyone can think up - positive, negative or neutral.

Also - the picture is of a celebrity - can anyone tell me who it is? (see how much I butchered her poor face =P)

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