Well, it's almost time for another new start. Just around the corner are a new job with new experiences, new goals, new challenges and new attitudes. In times like this, my mind always wanders back to a comment a close friend of mine, Michelle said during one of our many desert-laden multi-hour talks. (I think this when I was dealing with some particular stresses in my life) She said something to the effect that life is split up into Chapters, often much more explicitly than we usually realize. Over time, I've certainly realized that to be very true, and can almost visualize the book of my life, closing a chapter, moving the red silken bookmark to the next page and getting ready to start another. Maybe it's because each of these changes are usually so large in scope or attitude adjustment, or simply because I've already gone through so many chapters in my life, but ever since then, that image always surfaces in my mind. And for some reason is pretty darn comforting.
Lots more to rant about, from reminiscing childhood happiness randomly, to a incredibly relaxing month of February, all the way to what the overarching story of this book of my life may even be. (Just waiting for the characters to develop a little more :p) But for some reason my head is all over the meetings I have tomorrow instead. So maybe more manana, but definitely more this weekend! A new company will have started, Watchmen will have come out, may have gone to an Irish festival and even a pajama party!
Have a fun week!
If life is a book, my chapters are super boring and way too long! Maybe that's why I drift to the sci-fi/fantasy...
That pajama party place looks amazing. You rich folks and your crazy high life digs. "Jambi! The chocolate icing!"
Hey, the story is what you make of it - you know that ;)
lol awesome - yes, the pj party happens to be at a crazy ritzy place WAY too fancy for me. I won a membership at ES's last Xmas party :p
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