
BoonedockSaint23: hey this is a statent and as such requires no response as I know you are studying but read it and ponder when you have the time
Nozomi81: k..
BoonedockSaint23: Jumping off a building is not love..that is foolish and short sighted , all too often love is shown to be the grandeois bizarre thing full of single magnificent gestures that are often self depricating and indicative of someon not in their right mind. But these antics are at best childish and immature, love is none of these things. Love is small tender and fragile, it requires nuture attention and caring to grow. Yes it can be painful and difficult but so can any worthy labor. In the end love is two people trying to replicate in themselves the very miracle of Gods grace: truely knowing and accepting another person for what they are....
BoonedockSaint23: Sorry this was inspried by the comic....
BoonedockSaint23: forgive the intrusion

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