

So, somehow I'm still alive. For 2 weeks now (including weekends), I've been doing the 9am to 3am days on average. Pain. I'm surprised I'm still walking.

Buuut... congratulate me, cuz I got a promotion! :) Whee!

Also, this article reasserts the fact that Samus is the most badass video game character ever.

That is all.


I think my car is talking to me

Because I just got home from work again, after being woken up and running to work without even a damn shower, and all I hear on the drive home is the last portion of Pearl Jam - Why Go:

Why go home? (4x)
What you taught me...put me here...don't come visit...mother...
Sting me...

Why go home? (4x)
What you taught me...put me here...don't come visit...mother, mother, yeah...
Why go home? (7x)

I think my car has a good point.



Happy Birthday to me! Just got home - had a total blast for the last couple of days, and a fun birthday. not a whole lot of people remembered, but the people that did made sure it was a fun day. Thanks guys! Now it is totally time to sleep